There are many reasons you may be seeking cheap car insurance options. Your household finances may be tighter than usual. Or maybe you don't drive a lot. Whatever the reason, a low-cost policy doesn't have to mean a no-frills experience with the insurance company. As you compare quotes from cheap car insurance companies, consider more than just price. Policies from leading carriers, such as Nationwide, may be exactly what you need. Here's what to look for when choosing your car insurance policy:
A solid reputation
Over the past 80 years Nationwide Insurance® has grown from a small auto insurance company to one of the largest and strongest insurance and financial services companies in the world. You can’t say that about most cheap insurance companies. The key to our growth has been simple: helping customers protect what’s most important to them while providing outstanding customer service.
Personal customer service
Why choose Nationwide auto insurance? As a Nationwide auto insurance policyholder, you’ll enjoy great customer service online or over the phone, as well as through our vast network of Nationwide agents and Nationwide-affiliated independent agents.
24/7 access
Because difficult situations always seem to happen at the worst possible time, Nationwide's renowned On Your Side® Claims Service is available around-the-clock 365 days a year to get you back on the road as fast as possible. A cheap car insurance company can’t match that standard.
Car insurance discounts and additional features
Look at cheap car insurance companies and see if they can provide any car insurance discounts or free perks like our 24-hour claims service, an 800 number with a real person at the other end, or our On Your Side Review, a free consultation to see if you have the insurance you need and the discounts you deserve.
Custom options
Nationwide offers you a variety of options that allow you to customize your policy. Cheap insurance companies can't offer you great options like Roadside Assistance, Accident Forgiveness or Vanishing Deductible®.
Other insurance options
If you're looking for other insurance policies, Nationwide also offers discounts for everything from motorcycles and scooters to boats and RVs. You can also explore bundling options with a multi-policy discount if you have a combination of two or more insurance policies with Nationwide.